Live Right | Feel Well | Be Healthy

Make the commitment to better yourself and enjoy life.

Focus on these three areas to stay healthy:

Move right

Exercise is key to staying healthy. Go slow, be consistent and listen to your body. Yoga, pilates and light-weight training are great activities to begin.

Eat right

If we are what we eat, too many of us are overstuffed animals living in pens. Plants were our first food and they can be the only nutrition a healthy body needs.

Think positive

Healthy bodies need healthy minds. Meditation and other therapies can be valuable to achieve a quiet, peaceful mind.

Watch videos including complete exercise routines and quick tips for keeping fit every day.

Upper Body Routine

Plants Are Essential

plants are essential

I pursue a vegan lifestyle. It keeps me healthy, happy and free of mind. I can show you how to transition away from animal-based foods and see your health improve!

Water Is Life

water is life

Water is our body's most basic nutrient. Hydration is important for joints, bones, digestion and other bodily systems. Drink enough water to lose weight and stay fit and healthy.


Where your mind goes, your body follows. So keep on the path of positivity.
When I stray, alternative therapies can put me back on track. I rely on acupuncture, yoga, meditation and chiropractic care for my health.